Duke Asian American TheaterFounded in 2013, Duke Asian American Theater is a student organization dedicated to exploring Asian American identity and culture through...
Duke Film ClubWe watch movies! Duke Film Club offers an excellent opportunity for students of all backgrounds to watch cinema from all eras and all...
Duke Student BroadcastingDuke Student Broadcasting (DSB) is Duke's student-run broadcasting network where students can film coverage of the Duke community (from...
DUU Freewater ProductionsFreewater Productions is Duke University’s foremost and only student-run production company, operating under the umbrella of Duke’s...
The StandardAs Duke’s premier digital publication, The Standard exists as a focal point for creative voices and cultural commentary at Duke. We work...
The BridgeThe Bridge seeks to build an online community for Black and Latina women through cross-cultural and cross-campus collaboration that...
Duke Fashion ExchangeA group promoting the exchange of clothes and fashion ideas throughout campus. Aims to make fashion more accessible through fashion tips...
ArtsConnectArtsCONNECT is a service organization that seeks to interest and engage elementary-age children in the Durham community in various forms...
Duke Innovative Design Agency (DIDA)DIDA is Duke's very own design agency available to all Duke organizations. DIDA provides a variety of graphic, publicity, and web design...
DUU VisArtsWe are a student-run organization and a subsidiary of Duke University Union. Our team is dedicated to building a vibrant visual arts...